
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.

Follow DIANE SERA...


Friday, January 16, 2009

citer2 time sekolah..

thanks again shima coz bukak blek buku citer sekolah i yg horror dlu..


terlalu banyaklah...ok ni yg 5 top lah..tapi x ikut turutan...

1) time i tadika 3thn / nursery koot..i berebut mainan 'pollypac' dgn a girl..pollypac tu die punyer tapi i nk pnjam jap..i suka bende tu tp parent i xmampu ktorg berebut sambil tarik2...i berjaye rampas..tapi dak tu tarik baju i..i lari kuar dr kelas..dak tu kejar..then i geram i campak bende tu dlm swimming pool sekolah...then dak tu nangis kuat2..cikgu cari i tp i sembunyi dlm tandas sampai klas abis..sok i xdtg tuk bbrape ari..

2) time tadika 6thn, i suka lepak sorang2 kat bawah monkey day ade 2 boys panjat n ludah atas kpale i..i p sekolah pkai heels n uniform gurls mcm bj sailormoon, short skirt n kembang bler kne tiup, disebabka perkara BIADAP tu berlaku dgn sengaje kat i, i cabut heels i n trus panjat then i trus TUMBUK muka sorang dak laki tu, n srg lg i tolak..boy yg i tolak tu sempat grab blek besi tu..klo x die jatuh..agak tinggi ar..another boy tu hidung patah..then they run to get a teacher n mengadu..dat teacher marah i n i bt bodo.. bbrape bulan kemudian i buat cikgu klas jawi i jerit 1 sekolah coz i letak ular getah dlm buku jawi i..hahhahahaha!!!!

3) time sekolah rendah... ramai pengawas kne ugut pukul dgn i if drg tulis name i...pernah one time tu i dtg lmbt n pengawas jg gate tulis name i.. n then rehat, name i naik kat perhimpunan..i kne rotan 5 kali kat tgn..
time kne rotan, i xpandang len, i pandang SHARP THROUGH dat bastart's eyes..die mmg xsyg nyawe die..balik sekolah..i ngan my gurls tggu die blakang sekolah..pengawas blek die blek ikt pntu blakang..trus ktorg seret die kuar dr pagar n bawak ke backlane rumah kosong kat ctu..i tarik baju die n nk cederakan die tp 1 of my gurl controlled me..i just bg warning a.k.a kasar
kat die jgn bt lg..klo die bt lg, pasni PECAH MUKA DIE I PUKUL...dats the second reason i ambik taekwando dat time..hehehehhe..

4) masuk sekolah menengah, terlalu byk kes disiplin i buat..i jd fav student for my headmistress and cikgu2 disiplin..i dak bermasalah n listed in kaunseling..setiap minggu kne rehab..pas abis rehab i plak ditawar tuk rehab dah2 bermasalah coz i ade pengalaman..i pernah hampir dibuang sekolah coz kes gaduh teruk ngan dak cina n xsengaje cederakan cikgu..hehehhe..

5) tukar ke sekolah teknik pulak, dah jadi baik skit kooott.. tapi still nakal... ponteng kelas, melawan cikgu, homework xbuat n suka2 je nk pkai baju camne style..tapi time ni dh insaf skit coz nak SPM..takut slalu menyendirikan diri or berlatih dlm klab kebudayaan..

as the days goes by..kt menjadi makin matang..for me, lagi nakal kt mase kecik dlu, lg byk pengalaman kt blajar.. i nakal, nakal jugak tapi belajar tetap penting coz i nak kejar matlamat hidup i jadi org yg berguna n make my parent proud of me..i tahu drg stress besarkan i n i pegang pade pendirian i yg i xkan menyusahkan drg lg pasni...


1) senilukis n seni kebudayaan..maksud i, i plg rajin p klas seni, LK, and pape yg erkaitan dgn drawing..draw for fun, not for suka gak tapi lagi suka illustration n rendering...
yang seni kebudayaan plak time highschool i aktif zapin n tarian len, choir, choral speaking and penulis skrip tuk teater 3thn berturut2..hehehheeh...

2) seni mempertahankan diri... VERY2 COOL N INTERESTING SUBJECTS TO LEARN!!!
taekwando (darjah 1 & 3), ninjitsu ( form 4), silat cekak hanafi n taekwando (semester 1 & 2)

3) Kemahiran Hidup (ERT)..memasaklah!!!!! suke giler!!!! yg len xbest...hehehhee...

*skg tgh blajar cintakan ilmu archy yg susah giler n if diberi peluang, pas grad, beauty course n 3rd language will be my fav class..


1) MATHMATIC!!!! semua yg berkaitan dgn matematik, i BENCIIII!!!!!!!!! tapi terpakse blajar gak...sedey..

2) PJ (pendidikan jasmani) URGGHHH!!! i hate dat!!! sebab i gemok dasyat time tu..i cepat letih n & semput..i slalu skip klas tu...i xsk lumba2 lari coz i'll be the FIRST dari blakang...

3) Music class time darjah 4..i sk men music..but i xsuka pham 'taugeh' yg pening kepale tu..time tadika i quit violin pn sebab i xleh nk pham..lembap skit..heheheh..guess i dont have talent i playing music instruments...


yg menariknyer i suka bt keje yg org len xbrani buat..
i suka melayan org bler i rs nk layan..
evnthgh i panas baran, i dh pandai kawal..
entahlah..xth apeyg menarik lg..
mcm xmenarik jer...


for sure my parent.. kt xkan ade kat dunia ni tanpa mereka...


time sekolah dlu sblm tdo ramai sparepartS (yg drg rs drg the only 1 for me..hahahaha *rude laugh) akan call i dlu...pas je dh abis semua, i akan call my best frens.. pillowtalk everynite..until bill tepon melambung2...sorry mak abah..huhuhu...


semua yg bace...

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