
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.

Follow DIANE SERA...


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Nilah masalah kiteorg berdua.... Gian Gym...boleyh dikatekan gym ni tempat kesayangan ktorg berdua...klo nak dating pon kat gym...peloh2 & busok2 tu dh xkesah... yang penting kepuasan dpt men gym tu adelah kepuasan terhebat tuk dri ktorg!! 50% dr love life ktorg byk kt gym... Thanx to hubby saye yg mbawa penyakit gym ni...memang betollah ape die cakap, skali dh men gym, jadi gian, boleyh giler klo xp lagi... As for me, dh cecah setengah tahun gak aktif kt gym... xkesah p gym w/o hubby, asalkan dpt p gym & mandi peloh! i love being sweat!!! rs energetic!!!

Gym sgt banyak cabaran klo rajin workout kt cni...xtahu nape org ckp gym tu membosankan??? Gym ni actually byk menguji fitness kt dr segala aspek!! I kagum dgn mamat2 yg kaki gym...tapi lagi kagum tgk awek2 yg giler gym mcm sy, nape? sebab jarang & susah nk jumpe pompan kaki gym....sebab ape susah nk jumpe? sebab perspective pompan tentang gym adelah tuk bina badan berketol2, dats y pompan takot p gym....salah tuhh~ xsemestinyer....pompan xde muscle mcm lelaki lah wlw teruk camne pon die me, dh byk sumber2 yg boleyh dipercayai mengatakan pompan xkan leyh naik muscle mcm lelaki bina badan!!

So, setelah 2bln jalankan program losing weight & kejar fitness level ni, agak memberangsangkanlah resultnyew.... Let me flashback blek, 14 June 2011 arituh my weight is about 70kg...2bln kemudian, iaitu bersamaan de latest one ni, klo u guys tgk dlm gambar2 ni, my figure belomlah totally kurus (igt boleyh kurus kering dlm 2bln ape?!) sbb im doing de healthy way, ''eating healthy & exercise"...i xmen tipu, i xde gne ape2 suppliment or ubat kuruskan bdn....kali ni losing weight just depending on my disiplin & konsisten dlm jg makan & exercise... Currently my weight is about 61.7kg....

Tapi 'pewot' i masih buncit & gemok lagi...sbb for me susah seyh nk bt Abs exercise ms perut ngah buncit mcm ni....saket woo!!! seksa rase!!! i just buat slow2... my stamina & fitness getting good!! skg dh bleyh lari ats trademill with gradient 6.o dgn kelajuan 7.0 and burn until 300kcal....2jam lame workout...lame sebab buat slow2 & get the quality workout...husyhh!!! igt senang ape...time mula2 dlu xmampu taw....lari flat surface, xde gradient, speed 5.0 jew dlm ms 5min dh semput rabak....Humm, tu baru crite pasal trademill, belum equipt len...Long story short, i dh kire hebat lah kt gym nk banding dgn pompan2 yg dtg gym & lari 20min dh tercungap2 pastu trus blek uma.....hehehe...i'm a bad girl~ kepada gurlz kat luar yg rase nk ikot i p gym, di alu2kan...meh p dgn i....i akn jd trainer u guys yg beginners i pon still ade master & sifu i..i pon still ngah study dr pro lg..cume xsejahil ms beginners dlulah....

Ha! bad boy ni plak xabes2 buat chest & arms die...nak ikotkan dh cukup gah dah arms die tuh...slalu kne bebel ngan i kt gym klo die malas nk buat abs workout...sbb pewot die pon buncit mcm i..hahhaaha...kami bermasalah dgn pewot buncit sejujurnyew..hehehehe....

Anddd~ my journey of losing weight lame lagi...sebab skg i ade masalah breaking my plateau~ skg ni ngah buat blek Oat diet arituh & struggling more hard workout!! Just hate when reaching plateau level...Dah sebulan dah scale i tahap 63 to 61.7 jew..kekdg naek 64kilo!! giler!! pastuh turun 61.7kilo dlm ms 2 ari blek....ha! tu ar mslh plateau ni...mengada2 xmo losing...sepanjang trial i losing weight in my life, level plateau nilah yg buat i slalu fail & give up!! sbb scale xmo turun2 dh, tension sgt, terus makan & bt unhealthy life mcm biase blek...but this time, i'll face de challenge dgn bijak! kne byk study & rujuk~

Rase2nyer bleyh xmy weight lose until 60kg pagi raye nnti??? hummmm~ *thinking*


  1. belom lagilah dear~
    sikit jew baru...
    baru lose 9kilo dlm 9mggu...
    tggu lagi 3 or 4bln ea...
    tu baru betol kurus...
    slow2...susah woo!!

  2. Kak Anne !

    Good luck taw.
    Alamak, kalau cmni nnt mesti kak anne lg kurus dr sy :(

  3. lorr anis oii~ kak anne rangke lebarlah...susah nk kurus lebih dr awak...humm...kite tgk jew lah lg 3-4bln cmne..k.anne pon excited nk tgk rupe k.anne klo kurus normal...hehehehe...wish me de best!! need u guys nyer big support!!
