Setelah beberape minggu jalan2 cari mamam, akhirnyew me & hubby stop tuk 'control' our appetite sekejap....kne back on track & get caution of our health....memang dasyat lah makan beberape minggu perayaan ni...mane dgn Deepavali nyew, Raye Haji nyew, cuti sekolahnyew, kenduri kawennyew~~ wahh!! melampau2 makan xhengat donia!!!!
Back to my oat routine...
Oat for breakfast & dinner~~
nk buang rase boring makan oat, campurkanlah dgn fresh fruits and soya milk mcm ni....

Lunch plak kne make surelah i have full of protein sources...
Dah lame xtapaw healthy food for lunch...
and for today i pon telah merajinkn dri untuk prepared healthy food for my lunch hour....

Ape i tapaw for today??
my fav dory fillet wit pleennntttyyy of tomatoes sauce....
i looveee tomatoes~~~~ yum yum!!!!
then i scramble some white eggs with boiled hot dogs & crab stick....
these dishes contains high in proteins...
this research shows how & what should we provide in every each of our plate evrytime we eat...
i totally agree with this research coz i've been doing it strictly & manage to lose 11kg of weight last several of months....
tapi kne betol2 strictly ikotlah....
lagi satu ade trainer ckpkt kne less eat, more exercise...
memang betol..
tapi adekah i mengamalkan advice tu sekarang??
okay, back to de story mory.....
i just eat half portion of my tapaw...
the other half i'll save it for after workout dinner pas blek gym petang kang....

half lagi simpan tuk makan nanti...
sebab pas workout kang memang sumpah lapo giler!!!!
at least i ade something to eat..
xpayah singgah mamak & pening kepale tengok menu tuk pilih ape nak makan pas workout bagi meng'avoid' rase bersalah makan unhealthy food after burns all those fats....

manekale mamat ni a.k.a hubby i, nak buktikan kat u guys yang full force workout kat rumah pon boleh bina otot~~~~
bagi sesape2 yang xde mase, xde budget or senang cakap yang malas nak p gym.....
u guys just need a lil bit of determination & dicipline...
than u guys / gurls will burn off those fat bags at de same time gain lean muscle....
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