So, between these three girls, mane u guys lebih adore dengan body shape dieorg??
humm...It's also depends on each individual...
tengok kat mane goal u guys in losing weight..
tengok kat mane goal u guys in losing weight..
but most of the girls i tengok obses nak skinny...
(sebab nak pkai baju KPOP..)
Huhuhu~ not for me...
I prefer the center type of body..
Why i hate skinny??
It's about

I just dont want to be skinny & weak like most of the girls want...
They dont give a demn if they arent strong enough to carry their own handbag after getting their new skinny body, why? sebab as long as they can fit into all those 'runway model types of clothes' , happy & beautiful enough to them...
But if u guys, want to do it my way, u guys should love this words:
Remember, the whole of my journey in this blog are about losing weight & gaining lean muscles...
get it??
Maka nya, kalau ade girls yang mengharapkan untuk kurus (asalkan kurus, xsihat or xkuat pun xpe) and hate building up your muscles, u should not do it my way~ carilah cara orang2 lain yang lose weight for sake of just losing those fats jew tapi xmo healthy~
Maka nya, kalau ade girls yang mengharapkan untuk kurus (asalkan kurus, xsihat or xkuat pun xpe) and hate building up your muscles, u should not do it my way~ carilah cara orang2 lain yang lose weight for sake of just losing those fats jew tapi xmo healthy~
ReplyDeletehyee :)
saye jumpe blog awak nie dkt kevin punye website, im really excited about your losing weight ..
mesti best kan dapat turunkan berat badan?
saya ni kategori chubby2 tak gemok tapi kalau tak jaga badan mgkin probability after married akan naik mendadak.
so can you share specifically to me abt ur tips?
maksd saya, awak makan brpa kali sehari (trmasuk hidangan) dan buat exercise brpe jam sehari..
saya betol2 nak buang lemak2 nie hihi, saya mmg stiap ptg pegi gym around 30 minutes or one hours n im also skip meals,i just eat roti ;) thanks, im really need you !!
hi cik ana! thanx~
ReplyDeleteu can do & everyone can do..just khatamkan blog i yang simple (xyah banyak mbaca sbb banyak gambar dr tulisan) ni & u'll know how i do it...klo nak kurus healthy w/o any drugs or stupid diet, kne banyak sacrifies & banyak sabar..xleyh gopoh or give up..u kne be strong inside & outside if u nak ikut dietry cara i..sbb i pure & lose weight naturally..i xde support ape2 pill..just exercise kuat & makan pun kuat..huhu..i ade critekan cara2 i dlm blog ni..u baca dlu smp abes, then u akn pham camne i boleyh lose..kne ingat gak, lose weight cara i mmg lambat tapi berbaloi sebab it's more healthy inside & outside, bukan takat lose weight jew..sbb target blog ni lose weight & get healthy body , mind n emotional~ trust me, if u lose weight cara sihat mcm i buat, u akn rs lebih confident & happy..tapi kne commitlah..jgn kejap jew..make this as yr lifestyle, k dear?
tanx for your support! saya akan baca past post n ikuti ur next post :)) btw, blog u ni amat2 lah mmbantu i :) insyAllah i'll never give up! btol tu ckp u, bukan takat lose weight saje but also want a healthy body :) i ada saingan jugak, mmber i tak exercise , she take herbalife, but i tak amik, i prefer exercise smntra umur i ni masih mampu dan larat,so kami ni pakat laa sape lagi cepat kurus, tapi tu smua dah xpntg bg i, sape cepat sape lambat.. yg pntg i akan kurus n sihat haha. tanx again for ur tips ! :D
ReplyDeletethanx to u too cik ana..owh, about the herbalife...actually bende tu memang bagus..mmg berkesan..diane ade gak trpikir nak ambek bende tu tapi xtawu lagi biler sbb mahal sangat..hahahha...diane pon xmo bergantung pade sesuatu suppliment macam tu sgt..i want to be myself & tengok takat mane i mampu carry on w/o using any products..herbalife tu klo guna utk sape2 yang active gym mcm i, laaaggiii bagus sbb lagi cepat...cuma org xrespect kt kita lah sbb ade bantuan produk kan? so for me, i cuba nak buat 'kosong'..protein shake i pon i ambik biler i rs i biler i nk pulihkan cepat muscle tissue i after men weight lifting..klo xhardcore xyah ambek protein shake..just biar kosong and takes all natural nutritions..ambik multivitamin klo dh slalu sgt workout..biar lambat2 sbb ni life journey process, bukan magik sekelip mate~ gud luck dear!!
ReplyDeletesuka baca blog sis..
blog sis banyak bg info2 yang menarik untuk saya kuruskan badan.. :)
suka dengan semangat sis...
saya consume herbalife at the same time mmg suka workout..slalu wat yang jillian micheals n biggest loser punyer..kadang2 wat yoga n Pilates tu...sebab saya nak kurus yang fit...kte sama la sis,dr kecik mmg BULAT...alhamdulillah dah lose 30kg..lagi 16kg nak dapatkan berat ideal..hehehe..nak tanya la..klu kte aktif workout..bpe yer jumlah air yang ptut kte ambk dlm sehari?
thanx cik yayus~ i appreciate it! u ambek herbalife eh? yup, bende tu memang bagus coz it's kinda nutrition day i pun rase nak ambek jugak..huhuhu...yang mengenai brape liter air eh?? actually if u already consume Herbalife, i rase herbalife already meantion brape liter i kne ambek per day? coz i tgk bbrape my follower yg ambk herbalife, botol air besar~ sehari ambek berliter2 i even smp i pun xbleyh nk minum amount water intake per day yg dorg ambek tu...huhuhu...i rase brape liter herbalife recommand u ambek tu, dh terjawab kot soklan u...huhuhu~ sbb i sendri ade masalah nak minum air lebih dr 2.7liter per day...huhu..tu minima tu..jgn ikot i, i pemalas minum air byk2 & it's dangerous sbb sng dehydrated...tu bad habit yang i tengah berusaha untuk ubah smp skrg..hahaha...anyway, thanx for following my blog...