
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.

Follow DIANE SERA...


Friday, April 6, 2012

Sesame & Flax Seed Chicken Salad

Ni lah bende yang i terpikir tuk masak setelah seminggu i telan 3kilo chicken breast....sangat dah xtawu nk masak macam mane lagi dengan chicken breast tu...kalo nak ikotkan cara body builder dorang grilled kosong & telan macam tu jew...i pon buat jugak macam tu tapi kadang2 muak & terpakse prepare cara lain's the recipenyew ok...

1 ketol chicken breast ( potong dadu)
1 ruas halia (hiris kasar2)
1 sudu besar minyak bijan (xperlu letak banyak2 yerk)
1 sudu besar kicap manis (pon xperlu letak banyak2)
3 sudu besar flax seed
Sayur2 (brokoli, capsicum, carrot, green peas & etc)
3 sudu besar chicken stock (air rebusan ayam yang pure, bukan instant)
1 sudu kecik tepung jagung & sedikit air

Perap ayam bersama halia, minyak bijan, kicap manis, & flax seed...Biarkan semalaman tuk rasa lagi sedap..
Esoknyew, panaskan NON-STICK PAN & tumis sebentar bahan perapan tadi (jangan ngade2 nak tambah minyak sebab kita dah pkai minyak bijan tuk perapan...)..Then bila ayam half cooked, masukkan terus sayur2 & chicken stock tadi...Biar mendidih jap & sayur2 empuk...then nak pekatkan kuah die, bancuh sikit tepung jagung dengan air & curahkan dalam lauk tadi...Lauk akan pekat...

SIAP!! kejap jew~
boleyh dimakan dengan brown rice or makan macam tu lagi bagus....

Happy trying!!

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