
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.

Follow DIANE SERA...


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ramadhan Charity Project

Di bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ini, DianeSera bersama2 Bodybuilder Fit Junkies Club akan mengadakan satu projek amal kebajikan... Masih dalam planning lagi... Kami target untuk adakan event on Sunday 12th August 2012 ni...So, jadi sesape yang berminat untuk menjadi sukarelawan projek charity ni, boleyhlah inform kat DS awal2 ok?? Project ni akan dijalankan di area2 Selangor or kawasan2 yang berdekatan sahaja...
Jadi, hulurkanlah bantuan xkira dari segi kewangan or tenaga or apa sahaja yang mampu membuatkan mereka tersenyum gembira di bulan Ramadhan ini.... Bantuan anda amat kami hargai....

p/s: DS dah setahun lebih tinggalkan program2 charity ni...dan insyallah, kali ni DS nak on kan semula my charity club yang i pernah adakan dulu...doa2kan rezki DS ada sikit bagi membantu mereka2 yang kurang upaya ini....dan ni diantara event2 charity yang DS pernah organize time dulu2...

I dont know why I love helping unfortunate people dari dulu lagi but the only thing that I know when suddenly my tears of happiness will raining down everytime I see them smile~~

Kalo ade sesiapa yang tahu mane2 rumah kebajikan yang daif & xdiberi perhatian oleyh masyarakat & jarang dapat bantuan, let me know....tapi bukan rumah anak2 yatim ok? not in the list sebab dah ramai sgt focus kat anak2 yatim sampaikan golongan2 lain terabai oleh masyarakat...
Orait u all, please help & support me in this ramadhan mission...


Diane Sera


  1. annne! that looks like in FSPU, and i see our studiomates.. but i dont remember this? i dont think i was apart of this.. when was this? or i dah lupa? :(

  2. oh, mase ni kt sem 7 xsilap i... program ni under sekretariat FSPU...i ade ajak bdak2 studio & some of them jew yg brminat tuk join...yg lain semua ckp xde mase..huhuhu... i ngan ninie siap tepek poster sekeliling fspu...
