Today, is de first weekend yang my hubby start buzy sejak dh keje kat salah satu hotel hebat at Danga Bay, as a cheff.... feeling kinda bored biler jarang dpt jumpe or contact die skg ni.... really missed him...
but my blog here sure will accompany me evrytime i boring...arini nak share wit u guys sket pasal album 'CULINARY ADVENTURES' dlm my FB...and de photos albums getting packed with me and my boo's journey of culinary experiences...same ade yg kiteorg masak sendri or dine out.... almost 170 pics in dat album...baru jew setengah tahun bt album tuh...
Okay, these contributes to my hubby booboo... as i already mentioned bout his profession, these are some dishes yang die buat some baru, belom fully....but u guys wanna know what???
i can see his future that one day he can be a topchef.... u guys should see his skill masak without using senduk or sudip... kne tengok camne die main api n kuali terbang2 kt kitchen...huhh...giler sexy....rarr...
errr....lebih2 plak minah nih....oklah...u guys tgk ar sendri masterpiece2 yg die buat, yang i sempat ambek gambar...
Cool kan???
Die gak pernah try p audition MASTERCHEF MALAYSIA, tapi awal2 kne tolak sebab die overqualified.... hasil masakan die n skill die xboleyh di tandingkan dgn peserta2 amatur yang len....sedih gak ar i dgr time tu...tapi nk buat camne kan, die xlayak tuk contest tuh...maybe die layak masuk contest cheff professional...
Yang i ni plak, nk gak show off skill dapur i....hahahhahaha...maybe xsehebat die, tapi at least i suke kitchen..... i paling passionate in Baking and Confectionery jew.... i xdelah hebat mne, still practising lagi...tapi overall feed back yg i dapat dari org2 yg prnah try my bake, sume positive....xtahu lah dorg ikhlas or x....tu blakang crite....
ni some of baking yg i pernah buat...i gak adelah ambek order dari org2 len tuk majlis2 xminat sgt nak buat banyak2, penat...walaupun dpt side income....
bukan takat baking jew i tahu buat...i pon tahu pegang kuali n sudip kat dapur xsehebat hubby i .... heeeee....dlu i suke lah masak malay and some of thai sejak on my diet skg, byk masak western jew....
Hahahah....yang ni me and my hubby buat same2.....
Me and my hubby pernah jadi macaroons freak suatu ketika dahulu....sebab ktorg rase trcabar sgt setiap kali buat, asyek fail....sebab ingat senang buat macs ni, rupe2nyew die adelah confectionery ke 3 or trsusah kt dunia.... tgk ar sendri dh bape kali ktorg buat tuk dapat good result..
selain kiteorg berdua ni suke brkucar kacir kat dapur, ktorg gak rajin dine-out....ktorg suke try macam2 international foods.....chinese kew, malay kew, indo kew, thai kew, korean kew, western kew, japan kew or pape jewlah yang halal....tekak ktorg mmg suke explore new foods...nak kate ktorg kuat makan, xbape sgt kot...ktorg just suke try2 new things jew....
Disebabkan ktorg ni 'PENCINTA MAKANAN' ktorg ni gak Gym Freak.... to maintain badan lah....every input knelah ade output....klo input jer memanjang, 'CPU' pon boleyh kan badan manusia...prinsip ktorg, klo dh rajin makan, rajin2lah ktorg berdua xsah klo xde melibatkan makanan yg, hubby saye tuh tekak die still leyh makan kt mamak n warung tepi jalan...he's humble...
So, next time klo ade pape yg trbaru lagi tentang makanan, i akn cube postkan dlm blog ni.... Oh ya one thing, me and hubby suke berjalan2 cari makan...ape kate next time i akan take more pics and explain more pasal tempat2 yg ktorg makan....senang ckp mne2 tmpt makan yg ktorg bleyh recommand kt korg....tgk lh cmne...i cube eh dptkn info2 tu....
A lil' LOVE quotes from me to u, booboo...
“Our love is like cooking, it should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”