
A confident woman. She knows what she wants and gets it. She is aware of her flaws, but she doesn’t obsess over them and instead thinks that maybe (just maybe) they actually add to her unique beauty. She is passionate. She loves life. She is comfortable in her own skin and owns her sexuality, but uses it purely for good. She does not see other women as her enemy and competes only with herself to do her best at all times and to be her best at all times. She is forthright, honest, disarmingly herself and tries to be no one else. She is having fun and she is sexy and you just want to be around her to soak up some of those good vibes. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t care because she is hot. And so are you.

Follow DIANE SERA...


Thursday, December 22, 2011


Setelah 7-8 bulan hard training kat gym tanpe mengenal erti putus asa (eceh!) untuk i membakar lemak2 yang sepanjang hidup i ternak dgn bahagia dlm badan ni, 
biler fat mass percentage makin berkurangan, maka otot2 mula timbul...disebabkan lapisan lemak makin menipis manakala otot pula makin mengembang...

Oleh itu, dengan rasminyew i nak inform kat u guys, 
(bersaksikan hubby i sendri..hahaha...suke tengok muke die terkejut bler tengok biceps i timbul mase workout)

Bukan ape...pada i bukan senang pompan xberape fit macam i ni tuk dapat biceps yang cantik macam ni...
Nak i ambek gambar biceps i kew??
errr?? xperlu kot...coz i xnaklah tayang2 anggota2 i dlm blog tuk tontonan umum plak...
i perempuan melayu okay?? still ade limit gak ar nak tayang2 body...

Long story short, my biceps dah mula timbul dengan cantiknyew..tapi the probs is i belom achieve tricep yang keras (xwobbly berlemak) & berlekuk ke dalam...omgie~~ sangat mengidamkan shape mcm tu...still tgh usaha keras lagi...lemak2 degil yang tinggal ni sume agak frustrated gak lah tuk i banishedkan dr bawah kulit i ni...lemak tepu katekan...dah bertawon2 i kumpul ms dlu2, so makan mase sikit tuk burn..

Tapi untuk setakat ni i berpuas atilah nampak perubahan & hasil setelah setahun p gym & 8 bln buat hardcore training...makin sayang dekat badan sendri bler dh makin fit & muscled mcm ni....

Klo u guys curious nak tawu takat mane rupe biceps i skrg ni, lebih kurang mcm model ni punyer biceps lah..
Yup, xbesar tapi lean...itu yang i target..lean muscle...tapi tricep i xbrlekuk lagi mcm model ni...still have more workouts to do...

Pergh~ cubelah imagine one day badan i dpt achieve macam model ni plak..tengok ar bicep & tricep die...tengok pax kat perut die....fuhhh~~ membuat driku ini smakin brkobar2....
but fyi lah kan...muscle2 mcm ni slalunyew akn timbul mase kite tengah workout lah...mase xworkout muscle die susut balik & badan jadi more softline shape...time workout jew nampak muscle line ketak2 mcm ni...

Huiyooo~~ Diane nyer figure biler nak achieve sampai betol2 fit ni....humm...sabar2...tunggulah setahun or dua lagi...baru setahun main gym, xyah nak expect lean muscles sgtlah...belom nampak lagi~~
Chaiyok Diane!!

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